Tuesday 27 November 2007

Oh My God! It's been so long!!

I cannot believe I last posted here in July!

Well, things have been going well, and then not so well for me.

I managed to recruit 10 into my team, and earned my Fast Start Bonus. I then signed 5 into my other half's team (needless to say I've been doing all his work). I managed all this whilst working full time but started to feel the pressure as team members started to drop like flies.

I now have roughly 5 Reps in my team ordering every Campaign so I'm just about earning from it, and Danny's team is pretty much non existant! Due to pressures at work and now having to change jobs for financial reasons, I just cannot keep up with it anymore.

I would much rather concentrate on my customers and build up orders so that I get decent commission that way. I know that I have the opportunity to build up my team and earn much more than I could just being a Rep, but I just don't have the time to devote to it anymore. It's a shame, and it's been a really tough decision to make. I have already let my Upliner know that I don't have the time to canvass and build my team and she has agreed to help me as much as she can. But I feel her efforts will be wasted if I cannot give the time to look after and train my team. So I am going to concentrate on being a good Rep to my customers (who I feel I have neglected a little too).

So, in the New Year I'm sfraid I'll be saying goodbye to Sales Leadership.

It's been a learning curve and if I was in a better position work-wise I would have relished the challenge, but unfortunately my full time work comes first at the moment. If, at sometime in the future I can afford to work less hours I will definitely be back as a Sales Leader.

But for now... I'm concentrating on my customers. I don't want to put anyone off Sales Leadership by writing this. If you have the time and put in the work you can really get rewarded. My first lots of commission were actually quite good!

Good luck all out there and I'll keep you posted as to how things go... now to tell my Upliner that I'm stopping completely... wish me luck!


Tuesday 31 July 2007

It's the end of July already??!!

What happened to Summer?! I can't believe how time flies sometimes. My team is still he same size as I haven't had a lot of time to go out canvassing lately. I feel so guilty about this and I'm practically kicking myself. Come on girl, do it!! My D/L is doing really well, recruiting left, right and centre!

At least the orders have picked up towards the end of this month, and I think C13 will be successful too with the New Car Prize Draw. The weather is good at the moment, so hopefully people will be thinking about looking good it the sunshine - well for this week anyway!

I'm hoping to do 2 lots of canvassing this afternoon, but really not looking forward to the door knocking part. The last time I did it, I had people saying no before I'd even opened my mouth. I've read somewhere that the best thing to do is turn the "no" into a positive. Write down "no" 100 times on a sheet of paper and cross one out every time someone says no. The idea is to try and get them all crossed out by the end of the month. Have a "NO" quota! It kinda makes the rejection a fun excercise and makes it less personal (I suppose). Well, I'll have a chance to test that theory this afternoon!

Wish me luck with the team building, and good luck to all Reps and S/Ls out there!

Friday 20 July 2007

It's been a while...

Yes, I know, it's been a while since my last post, but things are going so well and I'm so busy!

My team now consists of 10 Representatives, 1 of which is currently a Trainee Sales Leader, but very soon to become a Sales Leader with 1 Sales Leader in her own team. If you're reading this, and you know who you are WELL DONE! And I don't mean that in a patronising way, you've done fantastically in your first Campaign as a trainee, you've really got what it takes to be a successful Sales Leader - actually you're making me look bad, you're doing so well! (joking)

I now need to build my team by another 5 at least, before September (when I go on holiday for 4 days) and I need to get Danny, my partner, set up as a Sales Leader. My aim is to be an Advanced Sales Leader by then. Although, with this weather being so crappy at the moment, I'm not going to get much canvassing done by then! I'm thinking of turning Danny's mobile phone repair shop into an Avon Emporium, at least that way, people can get out of the rain!

I really do have to come up with more ideas for recruiting. I am having an open house on the 15th August, for people to buy Sale items, learn more about being an Avon Rep and generally have a good time. I really need to get a move on with the preparations and maybe get a decent ad in the local paper, posters in the shop, in my livingroom window, in the car - everywhere I can basically!

Wish me luck and I'll keep plodding on til then!
Take Care

Saturday 26 May 2007

Sailing into Sales Leadership

Things are going well at the moment, apart from being a little bit ill! Amy, my first Rep, put a good order through for Campaign 9, Jane, unfortunately, didn't put her order through at all and I think she's given up.

I now have Maria as a Rep who put a little order through as she's selling to friends and family and started over halfway through Campaign 9. I've started a returning Rep, Alison in Campaign 10, as I have my Mum and partner Danny! Not that he's going to do any of the work! So things are building, I feel a little fast, but that's just me, I go through phases of thinking things are rushing along, I'll soon calm down and settle into it.

I don't know whether I have 2 other Reps. I was meant to go out with my Upliner Suzanne on Wednesday, but sickness got the better of me and I thought it better to stay at home. I'm wondering whether it's nerves? I've never been sick with nerves before, but there's always a first time! I just feel so guilty at not getting any leads myself - they've all come from my Upliner so far. Having said that, one of my customers is interested in becoming a Rep, although I'm a little worried that she doesn't quite understand what one is! I've said that if she wants to do it, to call me and I can pop over for a chat. Watch this space!

I've also had customers from my territory asking if I can pop a brochure over to other members of their family! Luckily they also live close by, but currently don't have an Avon Rep, so I suppose it's ok to post out of my territory to one house?

Anyway, I must go, have now got to sort out the brochures for my territory and my other half's! What have I got myself into? LOL. Take care, see you soon


Tuesday 15 May 2007

I am a Fully Fledged Sales Leader, well, Trainee!

Just a post to let you all know I am now a Sales Leader!

I have 2 reps, Amy and Jane. Amy seems to be doing well, and from our phone calls and texts, is really getting into it. Jane isn't having much luck with her first campaign but I hope she gives it a chance a tries again in Campaign 10. Sometimes it can take a little while for people to realise you're doing it on a regular basis - you have to build your potential customers' confidence.

I would also recommend putting a little flyer or note in with your brochures introducing yourself to your neighbours - it doesn't matter whether it's printed or handwritten, it's just the fact that you are letting people know you are a real person who is trying hard.

I also find that if sales are dropping (or for that matter, not really starting in the first place) it is good to do a Prize Draw. If you have no Avon stock to put in the draw, buy a stationery gift set or something. Make it clear to your customers, that if they order they get put into the Prize Draw. If they win, deliver the prize with their order. I've done this a couple of times now, and I feel it does help.

I also reward my regular customers. I don't announce that I'm going to do it, it's just a spontaneous thing. And don't forget to put free samples in with catalogues and/or orders. My sales are down this campaign, so when I recanvass my whole territory next campaign, I will be putting free samples in with the catalogue to houses that haven't ordered. It may be a waste of time, but it may mean I get 5 or so new customers. I think it's worth a try.

I will be signing 3 more Reps on Thursday, so that'll bring my total to 5. Plus I have 2 in the pipeline, possibly 3. Wow, that'll be 8 reps in 2 Campaigns! I can't believe how this is going! Hopefully I won't have to work 9-7 5 days a week for much longer.

Til next time

Thursday 26 April 2007

The Order that nearly got away!

Just thought I would quickly mention this...

I was sorting through my order forms from Campaign 8 last night, to get them ready to re-use in Campaign 9 when I noticed one that was just the back sheet out of the 2...
It appeared to be blank, but when I looked REALLY close it had an order written on it! Because my customer hadn't pressed very hard on the top copy (and had decided to keep hold of the top copy) the order was not very clear.

To think I could have thrown away an order without realising it! So my message is: ask your customers to press firmly when writing out their order - especially if they want to keep onto it! And take a good look at all order forms before dismissing them.

Sell Well!

Well on the way to becoming a Sales Leader!

Went to my Sales Leader meeting yesterday, which was quite an intimate affair - only 2 reps wanting to take the next step, including me!

I must admit I pretty much knew everything that was discussed, but I arranged with my Sales Leader to go along to 2 appointments next week to recruit (hopefully) 2 reps! I have also been invited to a New Beginnings meeting to exchange ideas, hints and tips to progress our recruiting. Yet another meeting but another opportunity for networking.

I have already printed my own recruitment cards (I feel that Avon's own are a little dull and don't really grab people's attention) and I have had one put in my local newsagent's window. I don't think £2 a month is that bad, but the window looks a little crowded and people might not pay attention to it. I'll just have to see how it goes, I'm giving it a 3 month trial. I will also go round to other newsagents in Aylesbury and put cards in their windows.

I am canvassing the road my where my Mum lives on Sunday, and I am also going to Milton Keynes Shopping Centre on that day as Avon have their promotional roadshow there at the moment - I may be able to recruit reps from there!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Beauty Training and Sales Leadership

Went on a training course yesterday to learn how to give mini facials. It was really good fun, I got to meet other Reps and a couple of Sales Leaders, and my Area Manager for the first time. Had great fun trying out the products (it's the first time the back of my hand has had a facelift!) Now I'm going to use my knowledge to invite all my customers over for a beauty night where they can book their own pamper parties or I can start doing facials for £15 a time.

Have also decided to go to a meeting next week to learn more about Sales Leadership and possibly get the ball rolling straight away! I have done well so far with my orders and I think I'm quite on my way to becoming a President's Club Member after just 3 orders on my own - just imagine what could happen when I have Reps too!

I am so enthused at the moment, I feel like a child at Christmas (although I won't end up playing more with the box than the goodies inside!)

Anyway, I am going to do my rounds tonight in my territory and then try to relax and I shall catch up with you next week to let you know how the meeting went.

Take Care
Fiona @ Avon

Tuesday 3 April 2007

First posting on my brand spanking new blog!

Hi everybody!

I have created this blog so that Avon Representatives around the world can share selling tips and ideas. I have only been an Avon rep for 3 campaigns now but I have already learnt so many hints and tips. I have just started preparing to become a Sales Leader and am working my way towards President's Club membership too.

Starting at Avon has been a complete change for me. I originally studied art at college and have a degree in Graphic Design (which is handy for designing flyers and business cards). My life has been turned around by Avon: I went on a detox diet and went down 2 dress sizes in 3 weeks, I want to enrol in training courses to learn how to give facials and makeovers (this is coming from someone that barely wore makeup 6 months ago). It's like a new chapter has opened in my life, I feel more confident, I have gained a little independence (whilst still working my usual 9-5), I feel invigorated, like I've been given a new lease of life, and a new direction to take.

So this is why I want to share my experiences with you - the good and the bad. So that hopefully we can learn from each other. So, have a read and share your ideas and experiences.

Happy Reading!

Fiona @ Avon