Saturday 26 May 2007

Sailing into Sales Leadership

Things are going well at the moment, apart from being a little bit ill! Amy, my first Rep, put a good order through for Campaign 9, Jane, unfortunately, didn't put her order through at all and I think she's given up.

I now have Maria as a Rep who put a little order through as she's selling to friends and family and started over halfway through Campaign 9. I've started a returning Rep, Alison in Campaign 10, as I have my Mum and partner Danny! Not that he's going to do any of the work! So things are building, I feel a little fast, but that's just me, I go through phases of thinking things are rushing along, I'll soon calm down and settle into it.

I don't know whether I have 2 other Reps. I was meant to go out with my Upliner Suzanne on Wednesday, but sickness got the better of me and I thought it better to stay at home. I'm wondering whether it's nerves? I've never been sick with nerves before, but there's always a first time! I just feel so guilty at not getting any leads myself - they've all come from my Upliner so far. Having said that, one of my customers is interested in becoming a Rep, although I'm a little worried that she doesn't quite understand what one is! I've said that if she wants to do it, to call me and I can pop over for a chat. Watch this space!

I've also had customers from my territory asking if I can pop a brochure over to other members of their family! Luckily they also live close by, but currently don't have an Avon Rep, so I suppose it's ok to post out of my territory to one house?

Anyway, I must go, have now got to sort out the brochures for my territory and my other half's! What have I got myself into? LOL. Take care, see you soon


Tuesday 15 May 2007

I am a Fully Fledged Sales Leader, well, Trainee!

Just a post to let you all know I am now a Sales Leader!

I have 2 reps, Amy and Jane. Amy seems to be doing well, and from our phone calls and texts, is really getting into it. Jane isn't having much luck with her first campaign but I hope she gives it a chance a tries again in Campaign 10. Sometimes it can take a little while for people to realise you're doing it on a regular basis - you have to build your potential customers' confidence.

I would also recommend putting a little flyer or note in with your brochures introducing yourself to your neighbours - it doesn't matter whether it's printed or handwritten, it's just the fact that you are letting people know you are a real person who is trying hard.

I also find that if sales are dropping (or for that matter, not really starting in the first place) it is good to do a Prize Draw. If you have no Avon stock to put in the draw, buy a stationery gift set or something. Make it clear to your customers, that if they order they get put into the Prize Draw. If they win, deliver the prize with their order. I've done this a couple of times now, and I feel it does help.

I also reward my regular customers. I don't announce that I'm going to do it, it's just a spontaneous thing. And don't forget to put free samples in with catalogues and/or orders. My sales are down this campaign, so when I recanvass my whole territory next campaign, I will be putting free samples in with the catalogue to houses that haven't ordered. It may be a waste of time, but it may mean I get 5 or so new customers. I think it's worth a try.

I will be signing 3 more Reps on Thursday, so that'll bring my total to 5. Plus I have 2 in the pipeline, possibly 3. Wow, that'll be 8 reps in 2 Campaigns! I can't believe how this is going! Hopefully I won't have to work 9-7 5 days a week for much longer.

Til next time